If you are looking to slash your monthly bills, it may be time to look at how much you’re paying for your cell phone plan. While it may not seem like much, the costs can add up over time. Fortunately, given the number of options out there, you can almost always find a more affordable plan. Below, we’ve put together a list of the most inexpensive cell phone carriers to help you make an informed decision.
Mint Mobile
Mint Mobile is our overall top pick, thanks to its wide range of options and rock-bottom monthly costs. Mint Mobile plans are based on a ‘buy-in-bulk’ payment scheme in which you pay for three, six, or twelve full months of service in advance, with the lengthier plans typically offering lower monthly costs. While this may require a large sum of money to be paid upfront, it results in very low overall prices. Mint Mobile’s 10GB plan, for example, costs under $20 per month at its lowest rate while still providing 5G broadband speeds and mobile hotspotting. If you’re looking for exceptional value on your inexpensive cell phone plan, Mint Mobile is a great option.
We recommend the latest Visible wireless deals to anyone looking for affordable unlimited data. For just $30 per month, you can get unlimited data, calls, texts, and even mobile hotspotting. Visible, which is owned by Verizon, makes full use of its parent company’s network without adding on any extra charges. Visible will soon start offering a supplementary ‘Plus’ plan tier at $45 per month. While not as cheap as the normal tier, this plan includes 50GB of wide-band 5G connectivity that will never be slowed – even if the local network is congested.
Twigby is a fantastic alternative for individuals who get Verizon coverage in their location but prefer a cheaper prepaid option. Its plan structure is identical to Mint Mobile’s, with three distinct levels of charges, beginning at $20/month for a 3GB data plan with unlimited text and calls. Right now, the company is offering a terrific introductory deal for new subscribers, so it makes sense to consider Twigby if you’re looking for a more affordable Verizon alternative.