The ideal first credit card for you depends on a number of factors, including whether you are just starting out with credit or already have some credit history, as well as factors such as your desire to pay an annual fee and your work position. Your goal, irrespective of who you are or the amount of money you make, should be to obtain the best credit card for your specific needs and financial situation. You want a card that will assist you in building your credit and establishing good credit card habits right from the start. Below, we’ve made a list of the best credit cards that help build credit.
Tomo Credit Card
The Tomo Credit Card takes into account alternative metrics when evaluating your application, so this is a good option if you’re just starting out and don’t have an existing credit history. The card also reports to all the major credit bureaus, so using it responsibly can help you build your credit score.
Pros and Cons
A credit check is not required
No annual fee
No interest charges
Other credit cards may offer better perks and rewards compared to this one
You have to be preapproved to get an actual application
Avant Credit Card
While there is a non-negotiable annual fee of $59 for this card, there are no extortionate charges such as an application or processing fee or monthly maintenance fees. Because it is an unsecured card, no deposit is necessary, and the company may offer to boost your credit limit if you use it responsibly.
The APR is high, and there are no perks, but this is standard for a card of this type.
Pros and Cons
You can check to see if you qualify for the card without it affecting your credit score
The card is aimed at people with fair credit
It reports to all three credit bureaus
Balance transfers are not allowed
There are no meaningful perks or rewards
Capital One Quicksilver Secured Cash Rewards Credit Card
This is a great card for people who don’t mind having to pay a security deposit. The benefit of this card is that you can access rewards as you use it.
Pros and Cons
It offers unlimited cashback of 1.5% on all eligible purchases
There are no foreign transaction fees
The APR is high, so it’s best for people who can pay off their balance every month